Getting ahead in your profession
People are what makes the difference, and nothing else.
Working at SuperFlora means working for an international company. With jobs in a wide range of professional disciplines, and colleagues who inspire you to live up to your full potential, every day. Most of them are highly qualified – all of them are highly motivated.

Personal development
We are going to help you achieve your goals.
You may be new to the floriculture business. Or maybe the idea of a career in floriculture has never crossed your mind. If this applies to you, you'll be blown away when you get to know SuperFlora. We do business with the entire world. We work for the biggest and best-known retailers in the United Kingdom. And what will surprise you even more is our unique corporate culture: informal, with a flat organizational structure, and highly professional. Where we take time out for fun, and achieve our goals in time.

Corporate culture
Autonomy and responsibility: is that what you're looking for?
We let you set many of your own rules. Like when you work, or where. Employees at SuperFlora are given a lot of freedom, but also responsibility. Don’t hesitate to take the initiative if you think something can be done better, differently, or more efficiently. With an average age of around 33, we are a young team. You will be surrounded by colleagues who are enthusiastic about their work and helping our customers. If there’s one thing you can be sure of, it’s that this environment will inspire you to live up to your full potential!

Employment conditions
To be honest, we believe enjoying your job is much more important.
It goes without saying that the employment conditions are just as you would expect at a leading supplier for the UK retail industry. But isn’t going to work every day with smile on your face more important? That’s what we invest in. Not only through a corporate culture that gives you plenty of autonomy, but also by making teleworking more pleasant and organizing fun events for you to take part in together with your colleagues.